As I ponder on the reasons to be thankful, I am reminded that despite my circumstances, unfullfilled longings, difficulties in ministry, difficulties in family relationships, there are hundreds of reason to be thankful! Why is it so easy for me to choose ingratitude rather than gratitude. Yes, life is difficult, confusing, and at times lonely, but it is so much easier for me to fix my eyes on the 'difficulties of life' and allow that to dictate my joy in the Lord, my treatment of others and even my countenance.
This past Monday I had the privielege of teaching Bible Study to a few of the women in our neighborhood. We are studying the book of 1st John. After laying the foundation that one of the purpose of the book is so that our joy may be complete, but only in fellowship with Jesus Christ, the ladies had the opportunity to share about joy or the lack of joy in their lives. One of the mothers who is a Christian shared that her joy comes from reflecting on the ways that God has provided and kept her throughout the years. Such thoughts of God's faithfulness, she said, helps her to be joyful. So, this begs the question, what does it mean to be joyless? I believe that one of the subleties of sin is a heart of unthankfulness. If in my heart there remains unthankfulness, then it will be nearly impossible for me to find joy. How can one be joyful? Psalms 16: 11 tells us that in the Presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy. What does it mean to be in the presence of the Lord? The Psalmist answers this for us in the same passage by saying, "I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel;...I have set the Lord always before me, Becasue He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore, my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices, My flesh also will rest in hope."
Wow! "My flesh also will rest in hope." A Christians' joy is not found in the circumstances of this world, but to be joyful is to have my mind and my heart FIXED on the Lord. A heart that is fixed on the Lord will inevitably rest in hope! Hmmm?! Is it possible then for my mind to be fixed on the Lord without being thankful? NO. This is impossible, becasue all that I have is a gift, even the desire to do minsitry, it is a gift; my family is a gift, my circumstances as hard as they may be are gifts that have been providentially given for my sanctification. Even the battle between the flesh and the Spirit is a gift-A gift that has been given through Christ my Savior - and has left me with the seal of the Holy Spirit of Promise, so that even as my members wage war against each other, I can be thankful, that my Spirit is not at peace with sin.
Lord with each moment of each day, please cultivate in me a heart of thankfulness that rest in the unchanging truth that you work out all things according to the counsel of your will, for your glory and for my good...Thank you then for not Wasting Anything - not even my tears!!!! (Eph. 1:11; Rom. 8:28-29; Ps. 56:8)
- Family - My sweet siblings keeps me on my knees and have taught me to "watch and pray expectantly with thanksgiving." (Col. 4:2)
- Ministry to Common Ground Neighborhood & now my family - I am thankful that each day provides the opportunity for me to see God move and then for me to BOAST in Him!
(I am also thankful for all the kids in S. A. who have showed me How BIG GOD IS)
- Friends - I think I have the greatest friends in the world all over the world. (Prov. 17:17)
- Supporters - Thanks to everyone who supports (prayerfully, financially, enouragingly) the ministry in which God has entrusted me with. (2nd Corinth 9:11)
OK I could write all night about why I am thankful...But I'll stop for now!!!
Oh, thanks for checking out my blog!!!
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (1st Thess. 5:18)